Our top 10 list of IT security do's and don’ts to keep your business data safe!
TOP 10 DO's
Make sure you:
Have a PC security service that includes Anti-Virus AND Anti-Ransomware
Use Mobile phone Anti-Virus
Get Cloud security for your email
Use a password manager to keep all your passwords secure
Use a strong password generator like https://passwordsgenerator.net/ to create passwords
Double check how strong your passwords are at: https://howsecureismypassword.net/
Use Cloud backup for your email, files and databases
Complete some basic Phishing Awareness training like https://www.phriendlyphishing.com/phishing-awareness-and-simulation-training
Have Two-Factor-Authentication for everything possible from Xero to Email to PC or Server access
Use data encryption whenever possible
Make sure you don’t:
Use simple passwords
Give your passwords to anyone for any reason
Leave your files on your PC
Write your passwords on post-it-notes
Make up your own passwords
Leave your mobile phone unprotected
Forget to setup Anti-Virus and Anti-Malware on your PC
Forget to ensure your data is backed up every single
Assume your cloud providers are protecting your data – read their Ts and Cs to double check
Don’t use the same password for every website. If one gets hacked, all your logins are vulnerable